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  • The Ubyssey just got 12.3 per cent funnier

The Ubyssey just got 12.3 per cent funnier

A barbie-fied Dingbat Mail

hi barbie (Ubyssey reader),

I hope you’re taking full advantage of the summer sun — or at least you were before summer abruptly ended Monday just in time for our latest issue.

This issue marks a 12.3 per cent increase to The Ubysseys silly and goofy quota with blog becoming the (all powerful) humour section. As we all know, no one likes reading "real" "hard-hitting" "coverage,” so I'm pleased to announce there's marginally more satire by volume this month.

This marks the first step in my five-step plan to bring The Ubyssey crumbling to the first floor of the Nest. Unfortunately, I was really counting on the heatwave lasting longer and left the one copy of my plan out in the rain. I'm hoping at least one of the remaining steps is convincing Dr. Bacon to do some sick tricks on his motorcycle, because that would be rad as hell.

Read a silly recap of the former blog’s history, an intro to the new UBC Barbie (not) made in partnership with Mattel and an exposé on the Barbie movie. There are also less silly articles about deciding where feels like home after moving from Ottawa and Queer aging. Read more online and on stands now!

— Jocelyn Baker
Blog Humour Editor

Goofs and gags across campus!







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